[Almost Weekly] Photo Blog

Keep in touch with regular updates on photography techniques and ideas - lots to help you take better photographs!
Any Time Of Day In The Mountains

Any Time Of Day In The Mountains

Vicino Campitello, Val di Fassa, Dolomiti, ItaliaFujifilm X-T3, XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS, f10 @ 1/1700 second, ISO 160 Skiing gives you great access to the mountains. Unfortunately (but only in some ways), skiing starts and ends when the sun is quite high in the heavens. The slopes have to be made safe in the morning and they close early enough to allow for any complications that may have happened with the sliding public – it’s very hard to find lost souls in the dark. So, if you’re...

New Photo Process Online Course

New Photo Process Online Course

Photo Process is a new concept for Better Photography magazine. It's a combination of a portfolio review, an original Peter Eastway print, and a series of video tutorials that shares a wide range of techniques, concepts and processes that I use every time I take a photograph. These processes have evolved over 40 years of photography and while they started in the darkroom, they have been fully adapted to a modern digital workflow. "When teaching photography, I find many students have great...

You Still Have To Wait For The Light

You Still Have To Wait For The Light

Tuscany near Pienza, ItalyFujifilm GFX100S II, 500mm lens, f6.4 @ 1/150 second, ISO 125 Maybe it's the circles I move in, but there seems to be less emphasis given to the practice of waiting for the light when it comes to landscape photography. When I was boy, walking bare-foot over broken glass just to get to the bedroom door, the landscape photographers I idolised would talk lovingly about the hours, days and even weeks it took for the light to be just right. Milton Wordley talked about a...