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Finding Yves Tanguy in Shark Bay

Finding Yves Tanguy in Shark Bay

South East Shore, Shark Bay, Western AustraliaPhase One XF 150MP, Schneider Kreuznach LS 110mm lens, f4.5 @ 1/2000 second, ISO 50 What is inspiration? Some people suggest plagiarism is when you copy the work of one photographer, inspiration is when you copy 1000 photographers! We don't live in a visual vacuum and while the choice of images we see on social media is probably the result of an algorithm designed to give us more of what we already like, it's hard to walk out with a camera and not...

Is A Story Necessary For A Good Photo?

Is A Story Necessary For A Good Photo?

Carrarang Colours and Patterns, Shark BayPhase One XF IQ150, 110mm Schneider lens, f4 @ 1/2000 second, ISO 80 As I write this, Shark Bay is outside our accommodation. Under a bright blue sky, it looks unbelievably boring from down here at sea level, but once you get up into the air, the transformation is simply remarkable! And despite having been here a dozen times before (Tony Hewitt must have been here 50 times), there's always something new to discover. In one of our workshop sessions this...

Phase One: Photographing in Remote Locations?

Phase One: Photographing in Remote Locations?

Is your next landscape location taking you to a remote location? To be certain you’re prepared for your next trip, explore our Photography Guide, "Planning and shooting remote locations” where Andrew Ling shares his knowledge and practical tips when photographing off the beaten track. Explore More XT Camera XF Camera System XC Camera Upcoming Events...

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Workshops with Peter Eastway and Friends