[Almost Weekly] Photo Blog

Keep in touch with regular updates on photography techniques and ideas - lots to help you take better photographs!
Look For Frames Within Frames

Look For Frames Within Frames

Town square, San Gimignano, Tuscany, ItalyFujifilm GFX100S II, GF20-35mm F4 R WR, f4 @ 1/30 second, ISO 12,800 Photography is a form of communication and, like writers, there are certain devices that most people find appealing. For instance, when we look at a photograph, we're looking at its contents within the confines of the picture frame - the edges of the image. So, if we find a location with a naturally occurring frame, like a doorway, an arch or a window, we're doubling up our framing as we...

 Great Ocean Road Deep Learning Workshop

Great Ocean Road Deep Learning Workshop

Date: 22nd - 26th June 2025 For the past few years Peter Eastway and myself (Len Metcalf) have been running a workshop on the south coast of NSW, and for 2025 we thought we’d take you somewhere different. Whilst sticking to a favourite genre for us both, seascapes. One of the things about seascape photography is having plenty of interest, and the Great Ocean Road doesn’t fall short on that account. So many incredible rock features to include in our work. It was on one of my workshops that I...

Burano Is Less Crowded Than Venice

Burano Is Less Crowded Than Venice

Street shapes, Burano, ItalyFujifilm GFX100S II, GF20-35mmF4 R WR, f8 @ 1/125 second, ISO 320 Venice is wonderful. Although it is almost a cliche of itself (whatever that really means), there's no doubt there's lots to photograph, but I feel it is a location best tackled on your own or with just a friend or two. Leading a photo tour around the streets is simply a recipe for separation! However, a short water taxi ride away are a number of islands in the greater Venetian lagoon, such as...